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Highlights to effective and correct Israeli spokesmanship

In Israel, as well as in most countries, a well organized Spokespersons' Department has their aim to serve the goals of the organization and its leader, with their complete interests at heart. It is one of many of the organization's arms; is often positioned as an internal body within the organization, even if it operates on an outsourcing basis. Often the spokespersons' department is responsible for the content, marketing strategy planning, and managing all branches of public relations, advertising, marketing and new media, in a multi-year perspective, according to the organization's core issues, and business plans.

Institutional spokespersons' department does not mean a conservative or cumbersome practice. On the contrary: the Spokespersons Department is the face of the organization, and must show innovation, professionalism, creativity, sophistication, and offer excellent service. There are several rules that must be abided by every spokesperson, especially in Israel.

First, one must operate with integrity and decency, due to the fact that relations with the press are long-term based. The first rule for a professional and well- trained spokesperson is "Never lie to a reporter." This does not mean that journalists should be exposed to all the information that you have, or that you must answer all their questions, but, because press relations in Israel are so close and personal, be sure not to mislead them, do not waste their time, and always treat them with respect and a friendly attitude.

The Spokespersons' Department is the central headquarters, which coordinates all the branches of marketing and public relations for the organization. Its role is to create long-term strategic planning, which integrates all means available to the organization. The spokesperson guides, instructs and enables the external public relations firms, event production companies, and new media companies who work with the organization and the organization's lobbying firm. In addition, they are in charge of the journals and magazines of the organization, its website, its Facebook and Twitter accounts, photo archives and more.

Another important role of the speaker is to nurture personal relationships between the relevant journalists and of the organization and its executives. From time to time, the spokesperson must initiate meetings between the organization and the media, whether for general background talks or for the promotion of media events. The spokespersons' responsibility is to make sure that there is continuous contact between journalists and members of the organization, and to integrate them into its activities, throughout the business year, or duration of the specific project.

The Spokespersons' Ddepartment must show availability and quick, reactionary service. All inquiries should be documented in writing, and any reply or response must be given professionally, formally, and documented. Any application for comment or question must be answered within a reasonable time, and if possible – less than that. The role of the spokesperson is also to accustom the organization to being effective and respond quickly to any questions. In addition, the role of the spokesperson is to familiarize all personnel from all parts of the organization to inform them of anything whatsoever which may trigger media interest. It is essential to inform and implement the habit to all members of the organization that contact with the media is conducted only through the Speaker's Bureau.

A special role: collaboration. One of the key tools for the official spokesperson is cooperation with other organizations and other agencies. Cooperation with other entities is a central part in the work of an Institutional spokespersons department, and it can generate great benefit and wonderful projects to the organization.

It is understood that the spokesperson advises the organization and its executives daily and regularly about current activities and its core issues, and recommends measures (or avoid steps) that are consistent with the strategic objectives defined.

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